Blushing with pleasure


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

Burmese ruby and diamond garter ring


When people are asked to name a colour, red is the first that comes to mind. Try it and see.

And because we're nice people, we're giving you a series of anecdotes to tell your distant cousin on Christmas Eve once she's answered you (not the one about Santa's green suit turning red because of Coca-Cola, that one everyone knows). You're welcome!


From top of the class

 Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

Henri Matisse, La desserte rouge, 1908, Saint Petersburg, Hermitage Museum.


The chromatic system of Antiquity was based on three colours: red - black - white, white representing colourlessness and black representing dirt. This leaves red as the only colour worthy of the name. In fact, Goethe called red the "king of colours".

Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery 

Ruby and diamond daisy ring


Its success is due in part to the early mastery of colour and its rapid use in painting and dyeing, as well as the very good resistance of pigments and dyes to other colours.

Red is also the first colour perceived by infants and the one learned by children, who often cite it as their favourite because they unconsciously make the link with sweetness. Well, favourite, until the teacher corrects their papers with her relentless red ink.


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery 

 Long necklace with gold and garnet beads


It is probably for these reasons (who doesn't prefer underdogs?), and also its omnipresence in our visual culture - especially advertising, that red makes us... see red.


To the red card

Like most colours, red refers to symbols that are sometimes contradictory. Over the centuries, it is the forbidden that has asserted itself: red light, red telephone, red alert, red card, "being in the red".


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

Anonymous [School of Fontainebleau], Gabrielle d'Estrées and one of her sisters, fourth quarter of the 16th century, Paris, Musée du Louvre.


Moreover, red, the oldest colour, is closely linked to the "oldest profession in the world". Coincidence? Let's put it down here (you have two hours). As early as the end of the Middle Ages, prostitutes had to wear red clothes to distinguish themselves from honest women. Moreover, places of debauchery were marked with a red lantern to make things clear from the street.

Red is also the colour of blood, and the blood of soldiers is poetically evoked by a poppy worn over the heart during the 11 November commemorations in England. The Queen has a brooch of several diamond flowers (to each his own) symbolising the same thing.


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery


It's very clever to make the link with the jewel, but this blood thing is not very happy! The look on Elizabeth's face won't make her say otherwise.


Dummy class

Because red is also a proud colour: the colour of power and aristocracy. It's the colour of parties, Father Christmas, love, passion, luxury and spectacle. Do you want the red carpet rolled out?


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

Triple ring ruby and diamonds


Here is a list of red stones commonly used in jewellery: ruby, garnet, spinel, tourmaline (rubellite).

In any case, Louboutin made no mistake in painting the soles of his shoes red! The first of them was born from an accident between a sketch and a bottle of nail polish. Four centuries earlier, Louis XIV wore red heels, apparently inspired by the king's brother who walked in the blood of the butchers at Les Halles during a night stroll.

Well, if this is still the case in China, in the West the wedding dress was red until the 19th century. If you don't want to get married in red, you can always take a look at our selection of engagement rings and our article on the subject.

Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

Art Deco diamond and ruby engagement ring


There's so much to say - we haven't mentioned red in religion, in politics and especially as the standard colour of revolution, gender, Ferraris; but we sense your great-aunt is already snoozing - so we hope it's because of the champagne and leave you with our selection of red jewellery.

Curtain! (red).




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