Acrostic jewellery


Did you know that an acrostic is basically a form of poem in which the first letters of each line, read vertically from top to bottom, form a word? Guillaume Apollinaire, Alfred de Musset, George Sand, and even Napoleon were adept at this.

The 19th century, which was very inventive in terms of jewellery, saw the birth of the fashion for acrostic jewellery where the initial of each stone was used to form a love word, a date, the first name of a loved one, or that of a child. 


penelope gallery paris antique jewellery

Acrostic ring "Regard



 Bracelet Acrostic "MAESTA


Set with precious stones and fine stones, the acrostics read like a poem... 


Napoleon, the lover

Never short of romantic ideas, Napoleon, in addition to his ardent writings for his dear and tender Josephine, had her make by the Chaumet House (then Nitot) two bracelets with the names of the Empress's two children: Hortense and Eugène.

Do you have it? Let's give you a hand ;)


Penelope Paris Antique Jewelry Gallery

 Hessonite, Opal, Ruby, Turquoise, Emerald, Nicolo, Sapphire, Emerald

Emerald, Uranite, Garnet, Emerald, Nicolo, Emerald


So adorable...



Would you like to make a statement with a piece of jewellery too? Here's some inspiration for you:

A- Amethyst, Aquamarine, Agate, Aventurine, Azurite, Apatite, Andalusite, Amber, Amazonite, Alexandrite, Ametrine
B- Beryl, Brazilianite, Wood
C- Coral, Carnelian, Citrine, Chrysoberyl, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Rock crystal, Cyanite
D, Diamond, Diopside, Danburite
E- Emerald, Euclase, Epidote
F- Fluorite, Forsterite, Feldspar
G- Garnet, Gahnite, Goshenite
H- Heliotrope, Heliodore, Hematite
I- Iolite
J- Jasper, Jet, Jade, Jeremejevite
K- Kunzite, Kyanite, Kornérupine
L- Lapis lazuli, Larimar, Labradorite
M- Malachite, Morganite, Meteorite, Moldavite
N- Nephrite, Nicolo, Mother of pearl
O- OpalOnyx, Tiger Eye, Cat's Eye, Orthoclase, Obsidian
P- Pearl, Peridot, Prehnite, Pezzote, Moonstone
Q- Smoky quartz, Rose quartz
R- Ruby, Rhodolite, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite
S- SapphireSodalite, Spinel, Spessartite, Scapolite
T- Tourmaline, Turquoise, Topaz, Titanite, Tanzanite
U- Unakite, Uvarovite
V- Vanadinite ,Vesuvianite ,Viridine, Variscite
W- Wulfenite
X- Xenotime
Y- Yugawarallite
Z- Zircon, Zoisite



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